Submitted by: Submitted by Kunkle12
Views: 599
Words: 671
Pages: 3
Category: Societal Issues
Date Submitted: 06/02/2012 01:58 PM
University of Phoenix Material
Appendix A
Part I
Define the following terms found in Week One and Week Two readings:
|Term |Definition |
|Diversity |The state of being different; variety |
|Ethnocentrism |The Belief in one’s one ethnic group and then tendency to view others in other groups. |
|Melting pot |Diverse racial or ethnic groups, a new cultural entity. |
|Minority group |A subordinate group that has less control over their own lives. |
|Emigration |Leaving current country to settle in another country which is done by emigrants. |
|Immigration |Immigrants coming into a new country as a permanent resident. |
|Culture |Behaviors or beliefs of a particular group. |
Part II
Answer each question in 250 to 350 words:
1. What are some of the ways groups of people are identified?
There are many ways to identify people other than race which is singled out because different races and racial slurs is popular today as well as illegal. Individuals using “us and them” is still big today because people stick together and believe they have no difference than those who belong in that particular group. There are many religions and those that believe in their own judge others who practice another belief such as Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Baptists, and many more. Families who live in public housing and depend on the government to supply them with money and food stamps because they cannot maintain employment...