Learn Malay Language

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Date Submitted: 06/15/2012 10:32 PM

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Learn Malay Language Fact 1 |

Bahasa Melayu is the official language of Malaysia and Brunei. Together with Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian form of Malay), the language is spoken by around 200 million people, making it world's 8th most widely spoken language.

The forms of Malay vary slightly in different countries - but is exactly the same in Malaysia and Singapore. The vocabulary of the language is enriched by influence from Sanskrit (ancient Hindi), Arabic and since 19th century, English.

Learn Malay Language Fact 2 |

This is unique to Malaysian only-lah. Eh.. what's thay suffix "lah" doing at the end of the sentence?

You may find it is quite confusing, at first. These people are speaking English but what the heck is that strange musical note at the end of their sentences?

When you speak to a Malaysian, you may notice the suffix "lah" that often occurs in our conversation. Click here to learn more.


Welcome | Selamat Datang | Se-la-mat Da-tang |

How are you? | Apa khabar? | A-pa kha-bar |

Fine | Baik | Ba-ik |

Thank you | Terima kasih | Te-ree-ma ka-seh |

Good morning | Selamat pagi | Se-la-mat pa-gee |

Good afternoon | Selamat tengahari | Se-la-mat te-nga-ha-ree |

Good evening | Selamat petang | Se-la-mat pe-tang |

What's your name? | Apa nama awak? | A-pa na-ma a-wak |

My name is | Nama saya | Na-ma sa-ya |

I don't understand | Saya tak faham | Sa-ya tak fa-ham |

I want to go back | Saya nak balik | Sa-ya nak ba-lik |

Excuse me | Minta maaf | Min-ta ma-af |

Direction | Arah | A-rah |

I am sorry | Saya minta maaf | Sa-ya min-ta ma-af |

You're most welcome | Sama-sama | Sa-ma sa-ma |

See you again | Jumpa lagi | Jum-pa la-gi |

Bon Voyage | Selamat jalan | Se-la-mat ja-lan |

Who can I contact? | Siapa boleh saya hubung? | Si-a-pa bo-leh sa-ya hu-bung |

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Days | Hari | ha-ree |

Night | Malam | ma-lam |

Yes | Ya | ya |

No | Tidak | ti-dak |

Rain | Hujan | hu-jan |

Sun |...