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Application of Total Quality Management


higher education


In many countries and many cultures the issue of Quality management has been firmly on the agenda of higher education institutions for quite some time. Higher education for the masses and a growing climate of increased accountability are frequently cited as rationales for greater emphasis on quality. Other environmental forces include the greater expectations and diversity of students as consumers. Their demand for increased flexibility in provision and increasing level of competition within and across the national borders. The role of higher education in stimulating national economic growth and the value of international students to national economies exacerbates the need to ensure quality within higher education. These forces demand that quality assurance processes are both rigorous and transparent and that quality enhancement initiatives are firmly embedded in any total quality management programme.The predetermined subject of the term paper is “Application of Total Quality Management in Higher education’’.The overall objective of this work is to highlight the general principles of total quality management involve and to point out how this approach has been and can be used to improve the quality of academic institution ,benefits & SWOT analysis of total quality management in case of higher education. This term paper consists of an executive summery and literature review that represents the study findings. The work in this report was completed and provided on 05 July,2011.


Placing a finished report into a readers hand requires the work of many people. I would like to thank Allah at first. That I would like to recognize just a few of the people who contributed in this report. I would like to express my...