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Date Submitted: 08/19/2012 06:02 PM

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Simply Bliss Cupcakes


MM522 |

Gina Cummins06/20/12 |


Executive Summary 3

Situational Analysis 3

Market Summary 4

SWOT Analysis 4

Strengths 5

Weaknesses 5

Opportunities 6

Threats 6

Competition 6

Product (Service) Offering 7

Keys to Success 7

Critical Issues 8

Marketing Strategy 8

Mission 9

Market Objectives 9

Positioning 9

Strategies 9

Marketing Research 11

Store Suggestion Box 12

Controls 12

Conclusion 14

Executive Summary

Simply Bliss Cupcakes is a startup company located in the Raleigh area. This unique Cupcake specialty bakery offers the advantages of sophisticated cupcakes, personalized service and special designs. Simply Bliss Cupcakes offers creative cupcake designs and extensive customization. While there are several boutique bakeries in Raleigh, none are able to meet the market specific needs that Simply Bliss Cupcakes satisfies.

Market research indicates cupcakes are a major trend among young and old. The trend has even spread to the upper class. There is a growing need in the market for fancy, large scale cupcakes. Simply Bliss Cupcakes seeks to service this segment of the market. The bakery seeks to cater to the young professional female that celebrates special occasions and accomplishments with party and the country club woman that puts on impressive dinner parties and grand galas.

The market strategy will be based on a cost effective approach to reach this clearly defined target market. The approach will utilize resources to create awareness of the bakery and encourage customers to benefit from the products the bakery offers. Simply Bliss Cupcakes will focus on its selection, superior products, innovative designs, and competitive pricing.

Situational Analysis

Simply Bliss Cupcakes is a startup company located in the Raleigh area. It is about to enter the mature bakery market. Marketing is critical to its success and future profitability. Simply Bliss Cupcakes offers high...