Hr Review Concerns

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Words: 611

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 08/25/2012 12:00 PM

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A. The three points of concern with the given company’s current evaluation form is the manager is evaluating the engineer by traits and behavior without evaluating the engineer’s work and task outcomes. The biggest concern I perceive with the evaluation in the given scenario is it does not give the manager a set criteria to evaluate the employee by.

1. The three most commonly used sets of criteria used in performance evaluations are: individual task outcomes, behaviors, and traits. Individual task outcome measures the outcome on tasks given to employees. Behavior tends to come into play in team dynamics when it’s difficult to pin-point the contribution of a team member and traits are more personal and subjective than task outcomes and actions of an employee.

B. When comparing criteria, evaluating the behavior (attitude, citizenship) and individual task outcomes are much stronger criteria than evaluating by trait. An evaluator is less likely to be biased when they evaluate on actions and work produced. These two pieces of criteria don’t leave much room for interpretation. When looking at traits criteria, this is by far the weakest method, as traits have nothing to do with an employee’s job aptitude or how they interact with co-workers. Reviewing an employee based on trait will emotionally slant an evaluation. It is not enough to review someone based on perception or an attribute the reviewer may or may not like, a performance review should be just based on how the employee carried out their duties and the outcome.

C. The advantages of including multiple sources during an evaluation process includes: Accuracy, a sense of collaboration, participation and an unbiased, wider perspective on the employee’s performance evaluation.

D. Business organizations do not take the time to train the multiple evaluators on how to give feedback. Also peers tend to give “lighter” more inflated feedback.

E. Graphic Rating Scales are the most popular method of evaluation....