Supply Chain Management

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 10/11/2012 11:25 AM

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Supply Chain Management Approaches


The Global Market

Prepared For

Professor (Dr.) Khondoker Bazlul Hoque

Department of Management Studies

University Of Dhaka

Prepared By

Md. Ashif Hossain


Department Of International Business (EMBA)

University Of Dhaka

20th September, 2012

Letter of Authorization



Md. Ashif Hossain


Department Of International Business (EMBA)

University Of Dhaka

Subject: Preparation of a report on ‘’supply chain management approaches and

the global market’’

Dear Mr. Ashif Hossain,

You are requested to prepare an analytical report ’supply chain management approaches and the global market’’. I hope you would kindly accept the offer and conduct the research within the stipulated time.

Thank you,

Professor (Dr.) Khondoker Bazlul Hoque

Department of International Business

University Of Dhaka

Letter of Transmittal

20th September, 2012


Professor (Dr.) Khondoker Bazlul Hoque

Department of International Business

University Of Dhaka

Subject: Submission of of a report on on ‘’supply chain management approaches

and the global market’’

Dear Sir,

Here is the report on the “’supply chain management approaches and the global market” that you requested to prepare. I hope that the report and recommendations would help you making effective decisions. I truly enjoyed it very much. Any further query or interpretation

I will be available at your service.

Thank you,

Md. Ashif Hossain


Department Of International Business (EMBA)

University Of Dhaka


The report has been prepared with the help of many people to whom I...