Constitutional Table

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Date Submitted: 10/14/2012 10:24 AM

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University of Phoenix Material

Influences on the Constitution Table

Write one or two paragraphs in each section. Include citations for your sources.

|Documents |Summary |What was its influence on the Constitution? |

|Magna Carta |The Magna Carta was a set of laws generated by the barons of |When the thirteen US colonies became independent from Great Britain in 1776, it |

| |England and the Archbishop Steven Langton of the Catholic |needed to set a central government to pass laws and enforce the laws. During this |

| |Church to limit the powers that King John possessed during the |time many British settlers followed the great Britain law that was put in place by |

| |12 century and of any king thereafter. The Magna Carta came |the Magna Carta. In 1789 the United States Constitution was ratified and many of the|

| |into law on June 15, 1215 and marked the beginning to a |Magna Carta laws were introduced to the foundation of what is the United States |

| |constitutional England where the laws were promised to be good |Constitution. Such laws as that of no man should be punished without a fair trial by|

| |and fair to its people. There were several clauses to the Magna|its peers. Furthermore no government should have complete power over its people. |

| |Carta; most of them concerned England legal system. Thus it |According to “Wise Greek” (2012). “The Magna Carta also contained several clauses |

| |emphasized that all...