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Category: Science and Technology

Date Submitted: 12/01/2012 09:05 PM

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University of Phoenix Material

Workplace Communication Comparison

Complete the following matrix. For each communication method, list its purpose in the workplace, whether it is a technical or expository form of written communication, and why you classified it as such.

|Written communication method |Purpose in the workplace|Technical or expository|Why the classification was chosen |

| | |writing | |

|E-mail |To communicate with |Can be technical or |Because they writer can use this system in|

| |others in the company |expository depending on|either way to communicate technical or |

| | |the writer. |expository ways. |

|Memo |To inform employees in |Usually is expository |This is mainly used to set the ground work|

| |the company of changes | |of changes to the company. It is used to |

| |in the company | |pass on informal information throughout |

| | | |the company. |

|Letter |Same as a memo yet on a |Expository |This is used to thank a customer or inform|

| |more personal note. Can | |an employee of different company events. |

| |be used outside of the | | |

| |company to customers. | |...