Submitted by: Submitted by jlangford5
Views: 474
Words: 1090
Pages: 5
Category: Philosophy and Psychology
Date Submitted: 02/02/2013 07:54 PM
Annotated Bibliography
(2011). Beyond the "baby blues": Postpartum depression is common and treatable. Harvard Mental Health Letter , 28(3), 1-3.
The article Beyond the “baby blues” is about how postpartum depression is common and treatable. It goes into details about at what point mothers begin to experience postpartum depression. This article explains the risk factors, the causes, hormone fluctuations, prior depression and treatment options. This article also introduced me to an advanced form of postpartum depression named postpartum psychosis. Postpartum psychosis occurs when mothers develop delusions about the baby or hear voices instructing her to harm herself or the baby.
Abrams, L. S., & Curran, L. (2007). Not just a middle-class affliction: Crafting a social work research agenda on postpartum depression. Health & Social Work, 32(4), 289-296.
Not just a middle-class affliction: Crafting a social work research agenda on PPD is about how the author reviewed specific literature concerning social-cultural dimensions of the PPD disorder and the relationship of PPD to social work theory and practice. This article also focuses on how 13% of all new mothers suffer from PPD and goes into deep details about how to cope with the stressors of PDD.
Bowen, A., Bowen, R., Butt, P., Rahman, K., & Muhajarine, N. (2012). Patterns of depression & treatment in pregnant and postpartum women. Canadian Jopurnal of Psychiatry , 57(3), 161-167.
This article is about how depression and the treatments for PPD affect the woman’s pregnancy and after she has given birth. The study confirmed that depression symptoms decrease over the course of pregnancy into postpartum, and that the symptom improvement is greatest when a woman is engaged in treatment. It also talked about the women who resisted going for treatment and how they were more likely to have a history of mood problems and use alcohol.
Dagher, R. K., McGovern, P. M., Alexander, B. H.,...