Historical Race

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Date Submitted: 02/11/2013 04:16 PM

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Associate Program Material

Racial Diversity: Historical Worksheet

Answer the following questions in 100 to 250 words each. Provide citations for all the sources you use.

• Throughout most of U.S. history, in most locations, what race has been in the majority? What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group?

• Throughout most of the U.S history in most locations, I would have to say that the White/Caucasian has been the majority race. I would have to say that they Caucasians came to the U.S. from Europe. I believe that Caucasians are the majority now, but in about ten to fifth teen years. I do think that the majority would change to either black or Mexicans. White people flooded the US in numbers for a long time, and I believe that is why they are the majority at this point in time.

• What are some of the larger racial minorities in U.S. history? What have been the common ancestral backgrounds of each of these groups? When did each become a significant or notable minority group?

• I would have to say that some of the larger groups of minorities in the U.S. would be African American, and Hispanics. I say this because I have never heard someone call a white person a minority, that is only because at this time they out number every other race. I would have to say that the common ancestral background consist of Africans,Jamacians,Hatians,and I would have to say that Hispanics consist of Cubans,Mexicans,Puerto Ricans. I would have to say that they both became a notable minority group when they begin doing the census and realized that there was not that many as others.

• In what ways have laws been used to enforce discrimination? Provide examples. These laws were intended against which racial minorities?

• The Jim Crow is a law that has been used to enforce discrimination.Segegreation was enforced by people in many different states. Black people were not allowed to mingle with the white people unless it was work...