Legal Professional Act

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Words: 13211

Pages: 53

Category: US History

Date Submitted: 02/27/2013 12:06 PM

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PARTI. Preliminaly

1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.

PAR? TI. General Legal Council and enroltnenr andpractice

in the Legal Profession

3 . General Legal Council and its hnctions.

4. Registrar to keep Roll of attorneys-at-law.

5. Status of attorney-at-law and practice as a lawyer.

6. Qualification for enrolment.

7. Legal officers deemed to be attorneys ex officio.

8. Penalty for unlawfil practice.

8 A.

Admission to practice gained by fraud or misrepresentation.

PART111. Legal Education

9. Arrangements for legal education.

10. Power to make regulations.

PART IV. Discipline

11. Disciplinary Committee.

12. Complaints to Committee.

12A. Power to suspend filing of orders.

12B. Committee may hear applications pending criminal proceedings.

13. Power of Disciplinary Committee to sit in divisions.

14. Rules of procedure.

15. Filing, effect and notice of orders made and directions given by the


16. Appeal against order of the Committee.

17. Powers of Court of Appeal.

18. Restoration of name to the Roll.

19. Review of suspension from practice.

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2 0. Employment by attorney of pel-son struck off the Roll or suspended.

P ART V . Recovery ofFees

2 1 . Agreement as to fees.

22. Bill of fees.

23. Taxing officer.

24. Where application is not to be granted.

25. Non-attendance of party at taxation.

26. Costs of taxation.

27. Certification by taxing officer subject to review by Court.

28. Proof of compliance with Act.

29. Power to vary provisions.

PARTVI. P reparation of legal documents

3 0. Name and address of draftsman to be endorsed on documents.

3 1 . Unqualified persons not to prepare documents.

32. Agreement to pay fee or reward to unqualified person to be void.

33. Regulations.

34. Savings for public officer and engrossing.

PARTV II. Keeping...