Submitted by: Submitted by toriqsabri
Views: 153
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 03/18/2013 06:49 AM
After doing all three assignments, my understanding of the topic has increased drastically. I’ve begun to understand more about computers and about digital media itself as a whole. I now know more about multimedia elements, web designing and photoshopping.
Among the problems faced during the project were coordinating the group members and making sure everyone submitted their assignments on time. Having to update the blog every now and then was also quite tedious for me but quite satisfying as it allowed me to view what I have accomplished regarding the assignments itself. My group members solved our problems by gathering together and discussing on how to tackle the issues one by one. We eventually got everything done by the due date.
Something that I would do differently the next time would be to plan my assignments earlier and make sure that they are submitted on time. I would also like my group members to communicate better about the problems they face so that we can complete and handle our group assignments better and more smoothly.
My motivation level was not so high at first but it increased over the following weeks. I was more inclined to discuss on the assignments and do the content for my website.
Working with my group leader, tutorial leader, project leader and team leader was very fun as I was able to communicate with different people and experience what it was like to be able to work in a group.
It was very frustrating at first because there were too many things to understand about the assignment regarding the dreamweaver project and the mile blog itself. But eventually I got everything done and the assignment was completed on time.
I have never wrote anything on any blogs. This is my first time handling a blog and actually having to come up with the content for it. It was quite thrilling and satisfying.
My team mates were fine and my team leader was very good at handling people. He’s a very good listener and knows how to work with...