Appendix C Vocabulary Quiz

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Appendix C

HUM 130 Week 1 Vocabulary Quiz

| |Define these terms in your own words. |

|1. Immanent |To remain in or near a natural part of someone or something |

|2. Religion |A belief in a divine or superhuman power or principle |

|3. Theistic |Belief in the existence of a God, the creator and Ruler of the universe |

|4. Monotheistic |Belief that there is only one god |

|5. Profane |Using disrespectful language or words |

|6. Polytheistic |Belief in more than one deity |

|7. Monistic |The belief that all is one |

|8. Dogma |A belief that religion hold to be true |

|9. Nontheistic |A non belief in any god |

|10. Transcendent |Superior in quality or achievement |

|11. Incarnations |Being which in itself embodies a deity or spirit |

|12. Kensho |Seeing one’s true self |

|13. Atheism |Disbelief in the existence of deity or god |

|14. Agnosticism |A belief that...