Theft and Intellectual Property

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Category: Science and Technology

Date Submitted: 04/21/2013 01:28 AM

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Definition of intellectual property and the cyber space Questions to be answered by the research Research methods used The research Hypothesis Experiment Results Conclusion Recommendation References


What is intellectual property? In general, it is the intangible property that is the result of creativity e.g. patents or copyrights In relation to the cyberspace, it refers to the knowledge possessed in the notional environment in which communication over computer networks occurs.


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Accessing the internet from search engines e.g. Google, ASK, et.c Copying and pasting contents into other programs and sites. Publishing the information for the public to access through other web sites. Posting media from hardcopies into a website.

Research on the level of intellectual property protection from theft.  Intellectual property: There is a great deal of debate these days on who owns the web ideas. This is a complex issue that is emerging and which require immediate action either by an international body by individual scientists. Many people publish their intellect property online hoping to get a great pitch from it, only knowing that it is at times monkey business due to plagiarism all over the world. Even though this happens, we still find it necessary to post our ideas online since it is a convenient way of e-commercing and dispersing any other information. What really happens when we say someone has stolen from a web site? The thing is that “cyber pirates” will copy all what you have worked for and paste into their newly created web sites.


Intellectual property is protected by the international law on cyberspace laws and one cannot copy paste information from the websites and /or hardcopies and claim it to be theirs.

When some contents were copied from some sites, it was found that it was possible to post it into other sites and share the information with other people pretending the information belongs to you.  When I...