Trade Unions in Sri Lanka

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 04/26/2013 10:13 PM

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Trade unions

If you've recently started work, you may have been asked to join a trade union. But what exactly do they do, and should you sign up?

Trade unions are independent organisations that represent employees to their employers when they are at work. By joining a trade union, you're electing for someone else to negotiate your pay and conditions on your behalf. Because you are part of a collective, the employer will find it more difficult to get you to agree to minimum conditions.

Labour Force

Country’s working age population that engages actively in the labour market, either by working or looking for work. Alternatively, the total number of people who are working and seeking jobs.

University Graduate Survey


Key results from the 2008 of the university graduate survey for selected universities in Sri Lanka conducted by the Labour Market Information Unit of the ministry of Labour Relations and manpower are highlighted as follows. Survey results describe employment experience, earnings and skills mismatch etc. of student responded for the survey. The Universities undertaken for the survey are University of Sri Jayawardanapura, University of Kelaniya, University of Ruhuna, University of Wayamba and University of Sabaragamuwa. The survey was conducted one year after completion of university education.

Employment Rate

One year after completion of their university education, the overall average employment rate for graduates of undergraduate degree programmes was 38.74%.The highest employment rate (83.25%) recorded for BSC (Science) graduats.


Approximatly one year after graduation, majority of graduates earn Rs. 15,000-19,999 (US $130 - US $175) per month. Among the acadamic strams, B.Sc (Science) graduates are enjoying better pay in the labour market.

Skill mismatch  

61% of employed graduates considered that their work related to their university education.

Survey Response Rate  

Of the 5750 graduates who were...