Submitted by: Submitted by liberado
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Words: 330
Pages: 2
Category: Business and Industry
Date Submitted: 07/10/2010 01:03 PM
Managerial Communications
Assignment 6
The Annual Report
You may choose either of the following options: (1) analyze an existing annual report or (2) propose an annual report for your workplace. If you choose Option 1, select a recent (current to 3-year-old) annual report from any company. Compare its content with the concepts in your readings, and assess whether or not the report meets expected standards.
Company Web sites will contain the annual report for that company. Depending on the company, the link may be obvious. In other cases, you may have to hunt for it. Be sure to include in your assignment submission the URL for the site so that your mentor can find the report you reviewed and better evaluate your analysis and assessment.
If you choose Option 2, develop an outline for an annual report, and explain why you have chosen the elements you have. Be sure to provide a brief introduction of your workplace, what product or service it sells, and what its markets are.
(1) The McDonalds annual report was drafted for informational purposes only, so it doesn’t contain a clear identified problem. It appears to be intended for shareholders and the general public. This is very apparent by the “window-dressing” type pages included. The report starts off with a letter from the CEO to the shareholders, and then a letter from the chairman of the Board of Directors to the shareholders. A first-level heading is used including a table of contents. (MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS) A second-level heading is used. (OVERVIEW) The third-level heading is Description of the Business. The body of the report is written in the present tense. Strategic direction and financial performance is discussed making this a formal report. Visual aids in the way of tables are used. There is a summary, but no recommendations. This report is really designed to make their shareholders feel good.