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Multinational Corporations

Craig A. Kellogg


For POL20000

Prof Mike Therrian

Submitted 12.05.2010

Selection of Organization

The organization which I have selected for this analysis is The Walt Disney Company .


The corporate headquarters of the Walt Disney Company is located at 500 South Buena Vista Street, in Burbank California.

Products and Services

The Walt Disney Company and its subsidiaries are in the entertainment business. They operate in media (television, radio, and Internet), theme parks, hotels and dining, consumer products, and their original product of motion pictures dating back to the companies founding in 1923.

Other Geographic Locations & Expansion Timeline

Disney’s major geographic presence outside of corporate headquarters is in those areas directly surrounding their theme park locations. The theme parks are located in the following locations which opened in the years indicated below:

- Disneyland Resort, Anaheim, Califorinia, USA, 1955

- Walt Disney World Resort, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1971

- Tokyo Disney Resort, Tokyo, Japan, 1983

- Disneyland Paris, Paris, France, 1992

- Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, Hong Kong, 2005

- Shanghai Disneyland Resort, Shanghai, China, Scheduled for 2014

Social, Political, and Economic Development

Disney’s mission is to deliver to its guest’s unparalleled entertainment experiences based on their rich legacy of quality creative content and exceptional storytelling. To say that a number of Disney “Classic” movies and experiences have reached the status of “social phenomenon” would be an understatement. Disney has a global reach which enables them to develop media in the form of motion pictures, market those movies, cross-promote them in their theme parks, and distribute...