Internship Report

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Internship report

Appraisal the valuation of land using right and assets attached to land of Petrovietnam Finance Corporation

I. Introduction about Petrovietnam Finance Corporation

1. Petrovietnam Finance Corporation

1.1 General introduction

PetroVietnam Joinstock Finance Corporation (PVFC), a non-banking financial institution, previously known as PetroVietnam Finance Company, was founded in June 19, 2000 to contribute significantly for the vigorous development of PetroVietnam.

Over the course of construction and development, PVFC has become a powerful financial institution of PetroVietnam and PVFC has been appreciated as one of the fastest growing non-banking financial institutions in Vietnam. PVFCbrand name is widely asserted in the domestic financial and monetary market and has been initially stepped into the world market.

PVFC aims at financing PetroVietnam’s development, effectively using the industry’s financial sources to maximize profit and designing financial instruments to assist PetroVietnam’s Group staff policy. With those tasks, a number of PVFC’s creative products has been launched into the market and has become competitive ser-vices that strongly position PVFC in the financial market. These include co-financing, lending trust, investment trust, investment advisory and brokage, restructuring advisory services, etc. Besides, PVFC also acts as a consultant on financial and monetary issues and financial restructuring for enterprises in the oil and gas industry. This rapid and sound development of PVFC is evident of our role as a leading financial institution of PetroVietnam.

On March 18, 2008, PVFC officially restructured itself from 100% state owned company into corporation named as PetroVietnam Finance Corporation instead of PetroVietnam Finance Company. This step altered the basic mechanisms of operation and management. It is as well seen as a conductive foundation for PVFC to consolidate...