Computerized Library System

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Chapter I

The Company

Social Security System (SSS) is an agency which is created to establish a social security protection to workers in the private sector, wage earners as well as self-employed persons. It is implemented in accordance with the Republic Act 1161, better known as Social Security Act of 1954.


On January 26, 1948, Pres. Manuel A. Roxas proposed a bill seeking to establish a social security system for wage earners and low-salaried employees. This was recommended to Congress in his State of the Nation Address.

After the death of President Roxas, Pres. Elpidio Quirino created the Social Security Study Commission on July 7, 1948. The creation of the Commission was his first official act upon his assumption to office. Based on the report of the Study Act was submitted to Congress.

In 1954, Rep. Floro Crisologo, Senators Cipriano Primicias and Manuel Briones introduced bills based on the report of the Social Security Study Commission in the House of Representative and in the Senate. These bills were consolidated and enacted into Republic Act(RA) 1161, better known as the Social Security Act of 1954.

However, business and labor groups objected to the Social Security Act resulting to a deferment of its implementation.

In 1957, amendatory bills were presented in Congress. These bills were the bases of RA 1792, which amended the original Social Security Act.

On September 1, 1957, the Social Security Act of 1954 or the Social Security Law (SS Law) was finally implemented, marking a significant milestone in the social security program.

Thus, with the implementation of the SS law, the government also adopted the social insurance approach to social security, covering the employed segment of the labor force in the private sector. In 1993, household helpers earning at least ₱1,000 were included in the compulsory coverage of employees.

In 1980, some groups of self-employed persons were also required to...