I/O Psychology

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Category: Philosophy and Psychology

Date Submitted: 09/09/2013 09:34 AM

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PSY 104 - Principles of Psychology Social Forces and Individual Behavior (3 hours)

Gen. Ed. SF

Impact of social forces and institutions on individual behavior; interaction between individual and social environment.

PSY 200 - Evolutionary Psychology (3 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Fossil evidence for human evolution; impact of evolutionary history on the development of human behavior; how evolutionary theory can be applied to understanding human behavior in contemporary society. Prerequisite: PSY 104 or consent of instructor.

PSY 205 - Quantitative Methods (3 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Introduction to applied statistical analysis: data reduction and representation; frequency distributions and their measures; probability; sampling theory; significance testing. Descriptive and inferential analyses are presented in the context of psychological research. Not open to non-majors with credit in QM 262 and QM 263. Prerequisite: 3 hours of college mathematics or consent of instructor.

PSY 206 - Experimental Psychology (4 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Basic principles of research design and interpretation; emphasis on experimental method. Laboratory work. Prerequisite: PSY 205 or consent of instructor.

PSY 207 - Analysis of Behavior (4 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Environmental factors applied to specification and understanding of behavior. Laboratory work with animals. Prerequisite: PSY 104.

PSY 245 - Personality and Adjustment (3 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Human adjustment and factors in mental health. Prerequisite: PSY 104.

PSY 280 - Psychology of Religion (3 hours)

Gen. Ed.

An overview of both theory and method in the psychological study of religion. Emphasis will be on understanding the biological and psychological underpinnings of religious belief, behavior, and experience. Cross listed as RLS 280. Prerequisite: PSY 104.

PSY 299 - Special Topics (1-3 hours)

Gen. Ed.

Introduction to the study of special issues related to applied and/or theoretical psychology, which may vary each time course is...