Structural Analysis of the Twin Towers

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Words: 2612

Pages: 11

Category: Science and Technology

Date Submitted: 09/29/2013 05:52 PM

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Why It All Came Tumbling Down

When it comes to the terrorist attacks of September 11th, people assume that there is an obvious reason why it happened. These people believe that because an airplane crashed into the building the towers fell over. What people tend to over look when it comes to causes of disasters are the things that lead up to it. In my opinion there were many things that could have been done to prevent the attacks of that fateful day. In this case I am not talking about preventing the event from occurring but I am talking about preventing the tower from falling down. There are things that could have been done leading up to during and after the attack that would have prevented the towers from tumbling down. Anything and everything from the material used to the design, from the type of windows to the width of the desks could have helped prevent the twin towers from collapsing in New York. When all the evidence is looked at, in such manner and in the right point of view, it can be thought to an arguable extent that the world trade center collapse could have been prevented even with the jet liners flying into the side of them both. When it all comes down to the point the plane crash might have been the catalyst but was not the definite or only cause that brought towers down.

When it comes to doing a structural analysis of a structure a complete breakdown of everything that has ever had to do with that structure at any point in time. The first thing that should be examined is from the beginning is the design flaws of the world trade center. Since this was a ground breaking project the designers had an ever daunting task in front of them. They needed to design a tower that broke all the rules but somehow followed them at the same time. The upkeep of the tower was pretty much not paid attention to as much as it should have been at the time. Many motions were pushed to renovate the towers but due to economic reasons they were never passed. According to...