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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 10/04/2013 07:29 PM

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1. Observe punctuality. Write down your time of arrival and departure on your Form 48 and on the logbook. Fill in the data of your Form 48 and affix your signature below.

2. Observe strictly the RULES IMPLEMENTING THE CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICAL STANDARD (R.A. 6723) in all your relationships with pupils/students, parents, co-teachers and superiors. Many of the problems of teachers arise from their lack of knowledge of the proper procedures to follow.

3. Exercise tact and diplomacy in dealing with parents. Win their confidence and affection. Parents are your great asset. Involve your parents in school programs, projects and activities. If a cordial and harmonious relationship exists between the school and the home, then half of the problem in school has been solved.

4. Always observe PROTOCOL in the conduct of school business. The observance of the protocol promotes and enhances group coordination, cooperation and respect for duly constituted authority.

5. SUSPENSION OF CLASSES (Cir. No. 16, May 1990 and Cir. No. 115)

Automatic Suspension

• Signal No. 3 – Classes in all levels suspended

• Signal No. 2 – Classes in all elementary and secondary level suspended

• Heavy rains and floods – classes in school in the area

• Calamities and volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and homes are damaged, possibility of recurrence is declared.

• Observe punctuality also during school programs, children’s meetings, seminar workshops, demonstration lessons, in-service meetings, etc. Teachers designated as Chairman or coordinators of school programs as well as the participants must be ready 20 minutes before the activity or program starts.

6. Be prudent in all your actions and decisions. If any disagreement, problems are conflict arise you and your co-teachers and or superior, thresh out the problem amicably. Do not spread or broadcast your...