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Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 11/25/2013 12:12 AM

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Quiz competition

I. Cyberbullying

1. A friend sends you an email with private things in.  You forward it to others for a laugh.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

2. You make up stories about someone in a chatroom because you don't like them.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

3. You sign someone up for something online without their permission. Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

4. You post someone's picture online without their permission. Could this be considered cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

5. You send scary pictures to someone to frighten them.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

6. You impersonate someone in a chatroom.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

7. You tease someone online even when they ask you to stop.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

8. You used someone else's password to get onto their account without their permission. Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

9. You send texts to your mates telling them to give someone in your class the 'cold shoulder'.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

10. You send threats to someone by text or by instant message.  Is this cyberbullying?

→ Yes/ No

11-15. (香港教育城 - 網絡欺凌教材套)

11. 以下哪項不是網上欺凌者的動機?

a. 開玩笑

b. 無聊

c. 報復

d. 伸張正義

12. 網上欺凌者的身份通常是誰呢?

a. 陌生人

b. 鄰居

c. 同學

d. 網主

13. 為何網絡欺凌者選擇以互聯網作為平台來攻擊其他人?

a. 互聯網不受限制,也易於隱藏身份,方便進行攻擊

b. 能吸引其他網友共嗚

c. 認為是一種潮流

14. 試從青少年的心理角度出發,為何要在網上欺凌其他人呢?

15. 若你看到朋友欺凌別人,你會怎樣做呢?為什麼?

16-24. (香港教育城 - 網絡欺凌教材套)

16. 以下哪項不是網絡欺凌的途徑?

a. 社交網站

b. WhatsApp / SMS

c. 在學校張貼大字報

d. 網上討論區

17. 以下哪項不是網絡欺凌愈趨嚴重的原因?

a. 互聯網日趨普及

b. 訊息傳遞迅速

c. 網民不需負責任

d. 人民怨氣加深

18. 網絡上俗稱「起底」是什麼意思呢?

a. 連根拔起

b. 刪除受害人所有資料

c. 公開受害人的個人資料

d. 投訴受害人的處事手法

19. 網絡上俗稱「借刀」是什麼意思呢?

a. 借刀殺人

b. 攻擊對方

c. 偷取別人網上遊戲內的武器

d. 借其他人的相片冒充受害人

20. 網絡上俗稱「花生友」又是什麼意思呢?

a. 討論區的發帖人

b. 只在旁觀看罵戰,不會發表意見

c. 發佈影片的網民

d. 熱愛吃花生的網民

21. 請判斷以下的行為是否屬於網絡欺凌,把同學出醜的片段放上You Tube ,並留言取笑。

a. 直接欺凌

b. 間接欺凌

c. 不是欺凌


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