Example Spm Question

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 12/12/2013 04:56 AM

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Section 1: Choose the best answer to fill in each blank.

The Kadazans of Sabah (1) their Harvest Festival on a grand scale as rice is not only a staple food to them, but also a symbol of reverence in (2) many traditional and ritual practices. However, the festival is not just celebrated as a solemn and spiritual exercise, (3) also with great pomp and festive merry- making. The fun gets merrier with the drinking of the inevitable tapai , which is (4) alcoholic drink made from rice wine. Apart from these, there are also (5) agriculture shows, buffalo races, cultural performances and traditional games as part and parcel (6) the festive celebrations.

1 A celebrate 2 A they

B celebrates B them

C celebrated C their

D celebrating D theirs

3 A and 4 A an

B so B the

C with C a

D but D -

5 A organise 6 A to

B organising B of

C organises C for

D organised D at

Section 2: Read the extract from the drama Gulp and Gasp below and answer the questions.

PERCY: You poor girl. (He holds her hand.) You can’t see, can you?

ROSE : Not since the fire at the match factory.

PERCY: Lord Septic’s match factory?

ROSE : Yes. I used to pack the match boxes. Big match boxes. Full of big matches.

PERCY: Wasn’t there a big strike at the match factory?

ROSE : Yes. Lord Septic didn’t pay us. He didn’t keep the matches safe because it would

cost him money. There was a fire and many workers were killed. I was lucky. But

the flames hurt my eyes. I can’t see anymore.

1) What was Rose’s job?

2) Why did Lord Septic not bother to take precautions for the safety of the factory?

3) How did Rose lose her eyesight?

4) In your own words, describe Lord Septic’s personality....