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Date Submitted: 01/07/2014 09:38 AM

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Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized with widespread musculoskeletal pain with fatigue, sleep and memory problems. Some of the symptoms start after a person has physical trauma, surgery, infection or psychological stress. In other people the symptoms accumulate over time. More women than men develop fibromyalgia. Tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression are common also. There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but exercise, relaxation and stress- reduction measures could help with the symptoms along with medications.

Some of the medications that could help with fibromyalgia are Cymbalta, Lyrica, and Savella. Physical Therapy may also help by easing the pain and teaching self- management skills.

Fibromyalgia has existed for centuries. The name fibromyalgia was first coined in 1976. Probably the earliest account of fibromyalgia is in the biblical account of Job’s physical anguish. In the 19th century Florence Nightingale fell ill with fibromyalgia symptoms. Nightingale was bedridden much of the time suffering from pain and fatigue until her death in 1910. In the 1600s fibromyalgia- like symptoms got their name: muscular rheumatism. In 1824 A surgeon by the name of William Balfour described tender points. In 1904 Sir William Gowers gave the name fibrositis to tender points.

Most patients are diagnosed during middle age, even when symptoms can be present earlier in their lives. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or spinal arthritis may also have fibromyalgia. A woman that has a family member that has fibromyalgia will more than likely get it also.

The causes for fibromyalgia are unknown. Some patients connect fibromyalgia to repetitive injuries or illness. While others think it is spontaneous. Some scientists speculate it has to do with a person’s genes and the body processes painful stimuli.

One of the reasons people see lots of doctors before getting diagnosed with...