Animal Farm

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Date Submitted: 01/09/2014 06:31 PM

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The Russian Revolution vs. Animal Farm

Revolution is when people are unhappy with the things their rulers are doing and over through the government for change to occur. Revolution is the main concept in Animal Farm and in the Russian Revolution. In which both of these groups of people overthrow their leaders because they are unhappy. In Russia the people were unhappy with what Czar Nicholas was doing so they staged a revolution to over throw him to set up a government with no royals. These events influenced George Orwell’s book Animal Farm the animals on Manor Farm are unhappy with the treatment they are receiving from Farmer Jones, they over through him and use Animalism as their new form of government. There are many connections between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution these include similarities between Karl Marx and Old Major coming up with a new form of government as well as Boxer and the working class of Russia blindly following the new governments.

One connection that exists between the novel and the historical events of the Russian Revolution are the resemblances between Old Major and Karl Marx. Both of these philosophers came up with a new form of government that changed the live of the citizens that were influenced by them. They both came up with the basic ideas of Communism and they both stated that in order for change to occur the working class would have to rebel. Old Major came up with Animalism. The animals, once in control, were not supposed to act like the humans or Animalism would not work. Old Major explained all of these ideas during a meeting in the barn. “No animal must ever live in a house, or sleep in a bed, or wear clothes, or drink alcohol, or smoke tobacco, or touch money, or engage in trade. All of the habits of man are evil” (Orwell 9). It is obvious that according to Old Major they are not supposed to do anything that a human would do this would include industrialization because that would be something that humans...