Mill Promote Diopside Ceramics Production of Multifunctional Materials Prospects

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Words: 375

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 02/20/2014 10:12 PM

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  Diopside are typical of non-metallic mineral silicates , after calcination , diopside generally exhibit gray, reduction of hazardous substances , LOI is very low. After the mill processing equipment, high-quality raw materials for the production of becoming ceramics . And diopside for machining ceramics , is just a process developed in recent years . With the increasing scarcity of ceramic raw materials , diopside important role in the ceramic industry will gradually emerge. Diopside itself has a good thermal expansion, can quickly promote the sintered body , very suitable for the production of ceramic products .

 stone crusher,rock crusher:

sand making machine:

ball mill:

   Diopside widely distributed in mafic and ultramafic rocks , in the skarn with garnet, vesuvianite , wollastonite, calcite symbiosis. Natural diopside mainly hydrothermal and magmatic into a group, it is also the original rock metamorphic siliceous carbonate mineral characteristics , is widely distributed in China . By purity and associated minerals natural diopside can be divided into seven categories. Various natural diopside quarry in the ceramic industry can find a suitable use. Etc. diopside and clay blank , because very fine clay particles and has a strong plasticity and adhesion ability, and diopside and coarse needle-like or columnar crystals, stacking thickness uniformity , there is very little internal body the gap constitutes a drain channel , it assigns the mud cake and press dewatering fast drying characteristics , rapid drying can be achieved . Use blank diopside forming a good performance , high strength billet drying , easy to produce interlayer defects such excellent performance.


   Diopside subject to processing mill , currently on the market is the most commonly used is Raymond , due to the high stability...