I Am Documentary Cc's Semi Edited

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Date Submitted: 03/25/2014 07:06 PM

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0:48 my name is Tom Shady arce

0:52 I’m a movie director comedies mostly that’s me there that

0:57 guy who can dance I made jim carrey talk out of his ass

1:01 got eddy murfy in a fat suit I turn Steve Carell into the fifth member of ZZ Top

1:06 got robin williams sporting a clown nose but this is a different story

1:10 this is my story it's a story about mental illness

1:20 but let's not get ahead of ourselves

1:27 what’s a dirrector of Bruce Almighty and ace ventura doing in this World of

1:31 documentaries trust me I would have been completely content to make another laugh

1:36 fest and go on with things as usual

1:38 but something happened to me there was anything but usual

1:41 and force me to rethink my priorities and take a sharp turn into uncharted

1:45 territory

2:06 a broken hand and a nasty concussion turned critical

2:10 when I develop post-concussion syndrome a condition where the concussion

2:14 symptoms don't go away for months

2:16 years if ever when there a head injury occurs

2:19 often there's an experience of depression that follows and with that

2:23 depression comes an experience of someone being suicidal multiple

2:27 on-field concussion suffered by former NFL safety Andre waters

2:31 led to his depression and his suicide in November my symptoms were brutal

2:37 an intense sensitivity to light and sound

2:40 severe mood swings and a constant ringing in my head that wouldn't go away

2:48 traditional medicine was no help so I turned to alternative therapies like

2:52 biofeedback and hyperbaric oxygen

2:55 but the cold hard fact was that nothing seemed to work

3:00 after several months of what i can only describe as torture

3:03 I welcome death

3:05 I wasn't suicidal like many the PC patients are

3:08 but the plain fact was I was done

3:14 facing my own death brought an instance sense of clarity and purpose

3:17 if I was indeed going to die I ask myself what did I want to say before I went

3:22 became very simple...