What Is Occupational Therapy

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What Is Occupational Therapy?

Technically, it is defined by the American Occupational Therapy Association executive board (1976) as: "The therapeutic use of work, self-care, and play activities to increase development and prevent disability. It may include adaptation of task or environment to achieve maximum independence and to enhance the quality of life."

"occupation" the dictionary definition of occupation is, "that which chiefly engages one's time, trade, profession, or business."

One's occupation can therefore be defined as the way in which we occupy our time. Thus, our time is divided into three categories of activities in which we take part daily:

Self-Care: sleeping, eating, grooming, dressing, and toileting

Work: effort that is exerted to do or make something, or perform a task

Leisure: free, unoccupied time in which one chooses to do something they enjoy (i.e., hobby, tv, socializing, sports, "chill out", read, write, listen to music, travel, etc.)

Any task or use of our time during the day fits into one of these three categories. It is how we spend our time; whether paid or unpaid, restful or fun, obligation or choice and that which fulfills us, gives us purpose, and allows us to interact with, be productive, and function in the world around us to the best of our ability.

Here is where the "therapy" comes in. If, at any point in our lives (whether present at birth or onset at a later time), illness, injury or disability prevents us from effectively or independently functioning in one or more "occupational" areas, then it is the job of Occupational Therapy to provide intervention which will help you regain function, maintain level of functioning, or make accommodations for any deficits you may be experiencing.

It is our job, as an Occupational Therapist to figure out which areas are suffering and how we can assist that person in performing these activities in a more functional, successful and independent way.

Some disabilities...