Psychotherapy Matrix

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Daisy Rivera


October 21, 2012

Appendix C

Psychotherapy Matrix

|Psychodynamic Therapy Approach |Behavioral Therapy Approach |Cognitive Therapy Approach |

|Summary of| | | |

|Approach |Feldman (2010) stated,” Therapy that seeks |Feldman (2010) stated,” Treatment |Feldman (2010) stated,” Treatment |

| |to bring unresolved past conflicts and |approaches that build on the basic |approaches that teach people to think in |

| |unacceptable impulses from the unconscious |processes of learning, such as |more adaptive ways by changing their |

| |into the conscious, where patients may deal |reinforcement and extinction, and assume |dysfunctional cognitions about the world |

| |with the problems more effectively. (p. |that normal and abnormal behavior are both|and themselves. (p. 437). |

| |430). |learned. (p. 433). | |

|Disorders |Psychodynamic therapy treats patients that |Behavioral therapy helps patients |Cognitive therapy helps patients adapt |

|appropriat|have an Anxiety disorder. This type of |understand and learn both abnormal |ways by changing their dysfunctional |

|e for this|therapy helps patients push repressed |behavior and normal behavior. A behavioral|thinking about themselves and the world. |

|therapy |conflicts and impulses that were in the |therapist helps patients develop skills to|This type of therapy help patients |

| |unconscious out the conscious. A |cope with situations and adopt a |identify negative thinking and behavior |

| |psychodynamic therapist helps...