Themes and Images in the Death of the Hen by the Brothers Grimm

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Themes and Images in "The Death of the Hen" by Ruben L. Archilla

     There are several themes and images in this story that are similar to human nature.  The first theme is that of a deal or covenant between hen and cock about dividing any nuts they find.  This is followed immediately by greed as the hen swallows the only nut she finds.  Next is love willing to go forgive and go to any length to save the object of love personified by the cock who not only forgives hen but tries to save her life to no avail.


We are next exposed to the good neighbor or friend in the mice who out of kindness build a wagon to transport the body of hen.  We also see this theme in the animals that make up the funeral procession, which also shows unity and friendship in tragedy.

In the acts of the straw and the coal we see sacrifice and willingness to help those in need.  Last in the list of themes is the major theme of the story 'death' best expressed in the last sentence "And so they were all dead together".  Through bad luck, fate, sorrow or simply poor choices all the animals in the story drowned and died.  Social status, class, wealth, good or bad qualities in the end meant nothing as they were all dead and in the same place.  

The way the animals die is similar to the story of the flood in the Bible in which every living soul in the planet died by drowning, and nothing mattered because they all died together.  Another Christian metaphor is the cock who is willing to forgive, just like Jesus is willing to forgive.  

The animals chosen also are representatives of a quality of character or personality.  The fox represents cunning, the bear strength, the stag power, and  the lion nobility.