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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 11/04/2014 12:32 PM

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After a large amount of clamoring from the project teams, a new operational strategy was adopted for this area of the organization to include new techniques such as utilizing documentation templates to standardize the required information speeding up not only the staffing process but also the document development process. Another new technique used was to provide a localized editor for each staff which cut out the necessity to edit at the second or third staffing levels. Lastly, a leadership dashboard was adopted and reviewed with each project team on a quarterly basis which prevented leaders from having to get “caught up” on their programs, and minimized the leadership pre-brief to only major changes since the last dashboard briefing. This has reduced the staffing time by 63% upon our last assessment and has enhanced document quality as project teams have more time to focus on document substance.

Six Sigma:

A lot of the organizations that we work with utilize Six Sigma in their production processes but we have not tried to implement the philosophy of the Six Sigma technique in our organization as our organization heavily resists change. I believe this is due to the organization being heavily composed of employees who have been “raised” in federal acquisition and are now close to retirement and unwilling to adopt a new system. While there is a young core to the organization, without complete adoption and buy-in by all employees it is nearly impossible for an organization to adopt a technique like Six Sigma or Lean.

(OM) Techniques

We do use performance indicators as a technique to detect productivity via comparison to top performing peers. Although we do not use Six Sigma or Lean they are very popular (OM) techniques. The implementation of either one or both of these techniques would help increase profits and productivity overall. I think we do not use them because there is little to no knowledge held within the ranks of upper management where this...