Temple Grandin Reaction Paper

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Category: Music and Cinema

Date Submitted: 08/11/2015 08:26 PM

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Jabagat, Christian Regie J.


BS Business Economics


Prof. A.F. Sanchez

Final Reaction Paper

“Different But not Less”; The Power in nonconformity

“Roses are red, Violets are blue. Nonconformity doesn’t undermine me and you.” The film Temple Grandin showed me how different yet noble people can be. It narrated how Temple Grandin faced challenges in her life as she was diagnosed with autism at a very young age. Her mother, whom so loved her, refused to detach her from the world. She have done everything to help her daughter. With all her mom and Temple’s efforts she earned a Ph.D. degree and then became a prominent advocate of autism rights. She has contributed and is still contributing great things that’s changing the world. Despite her condition she was recognized by the Time 100 most influential people in the world on the “Heroes” category.

“Autism spectrum disabilities are a group of complex brain development disabilities. This umbrella term covers conditions such as autism, childhood disintegrative disability and Asperger syndrome. These disabilities are characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication and a restrictive and repetitive repertoire of interests and activities” (WHO, para. 1). Having defined autism we must understand that it is a spectrum of different classifications with common characteristics thus requires different attention with a common quality of treatment, to treat them no less. Temple is a living proof that autism makes someone different but no less than anyone. Her disability made her more able than others in doing great things that help the world to be a better place. In fact, it enabled her to see the world the way others cannot like when she was able to understand animal behaviour when people just ignored it. Having the ability to think in pictures, she invented a dip structure that calms cattle that no one before her has ever thought of. Had it not been because of...