Educ 364 Admin Interview

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Administrator Interview

Monday, November 26th

Administrator: Dr. Ackryman

Interviewed by:

EDUC 364

Q: Referral Process

A: Early intervention is so critical. Get the kid the help they need as soon as they need it instead of playing around.

Q: How does the money not come out of the School System.

A: Community Services Act. Different departments in state would fight over not wanting ownership of students. Money was pulled out of all of the budgets into a pot. It causes so problems because Residential programs are more expensive. CSA funds.

Q: Why choose Day treatment verses Rivermont School.

A: Money. Rivermont School is more expensive.

Q: Differences between day treatment and day school

A: Day treatment is less severe. If students’ behavior is minor and under control they can be with the population.

Q: What are two major qualities to work with Rivermont School kid.

A: Strong, consistent, firm, respected, but loving. You have to have a balance of being liked and respected.

Q: What are ways that teachers at schools like Rivermont can not burn out?

A: You have to realize that you are stepping foot in a mission field. That is the mentality you have to have to teach special education. Luke 14: 12-14. Your there for a calling or a purpose and have to realize that.

Q: How do you handle students masturbating in the classroom.

A: As Christians you have to teach them not to do that. Tough to say how to handle the situation.

Q: How do you handle knowing that your students will fail and not change.

A: Its hard and you just have to have hope and trust God.

Q: Does the Rivermont School offer training for behaviors.

A: Yes, they do but nothing can really prepare you for it until your in that situation. Crises training will be necessary. They will teach you the things necessary. It’s different in every situation.

Q: Did you like working at Rivermont School?

A: “I loved it” would have preferred not to be an administer at 24 but God had a plan. Never...