History 221

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Date Submitted: 09/27/2015 04:34 PM

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French and Indian War and the American Revolution

Four Connections of the French and Indian War with the American Revolutions

1. No appreciation of colonial effort

2. Mutual dislike

3. Absence of French and Spanish attack

4. British troops remain (peace keeping)

Royal Proclamation of 1763- divide French and Indians, colonists are not allowed to cross it

Huge war debt after the French and Indian War

Resurgence of Imperialism

1. The Sugar Act (1764) stipulated that if Americans purchased non-English sugar (especially Dutch), you would have to pay an extra tax (resemblance to the Navigation Acts)

2. The Stamp Act (1765) an act that required you to place a stamp on any type you purchased paper, or fill out a form, marriage license, etc. you would have to purchase stamps

psychological- visible reminder that they were colonists

George Grenville- pushed for the Stamp Act

Three Types of Responses to the Stamp Act

1. Emotional

a. Sons of Liberty

2. Political (Constitutional)

a. Stamp Act Congress (first unified Congress among colonists) 9 of 13 colonies meet in New York

b. Virtual Representation

c. Declaration of Rights and Grievances “virtual representation we do not accept”

3. Economic

a. Non-importation movement (stop buying British goods)

b. Daughters of Liberty (filling the gap of things that do not come in)

Stamp Act Repealed (1766)

Declaratory Act (1766) (passed on the same day as the Stamp Act Repeal) (Parliament has the right to “bind the colonies in all cases whatsoever”)

Quartering Act (1765) required Americans to accommodate British troops, not necessarily in your home, but on your property and you must provide them with food if need be

Townshend Acts (1767) Charles Townshend- head on the x-checker, pushed through Parliament

Placed a built-in tax on basic goods, Benjamin Franklin advised him to, but that’s not why colonists hated them, placed internal tax on lead, paint, glass, paper, and tea

- Letters from a...