Idolatry, Social Injustice and Religious Rituals

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Interpretation Project 1

Interpreting Gospel Passages

Robert Everhart Bible 110

Looking at the three parables, the thing I find they have in common really is about always being ready. They specifically say that you never know when the day and the hour the Lord will return or implied that the signs point to his return.

In Matthew 24: 42- 44 it speaks about not falling asleep in your service to God. The entire parable when you look at it is about serving the Lord and not falling asleep on your duties to God. You never know when God is coming so stay passionate in your walk with God. It continues to speak about how we must feed others and for me describes the role of a Pastor or minister in the feeding of his people whom he has sat you over. You have a responsibility not only to God but to God’s people and you need to take it seriously, because if you do not he will take it away from you. Serving God is a privilege and you must take it seriously.

When I look at the story before of the Fig tree and the tenderness of its branches puts out leaves, as we become more sensitive in our relationship to God, we also see growth in our spiritual lives and our relationship to the Lord. In order to interpret it properly I also went to Matthew 21: 18-19 where it says’ “18 in the morning, as he was returning to the city, he became hungry. 19 And seeing a fig tree by the wayside, he went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And he said to it, “May no fruit ever come from you again!” And the fig tree withered at once.” There is a need for us to bear fruit. This comes with our relationship with Christ as well as our spiritual awareness. To be able to bear fruit that can feed others or we will wither spiritually. These are also a sign that the Lord is coming, because he is going to come at an unexpected time so we need to constantly bear Fruit.

The parable of the ten virgins also talks about being ready but really looks at our spiritual relationship to Christ. If we...