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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 03/14/2016 01:38 AM

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Flipping the teacher: A teacher/student tech club

|Trends |

|1:1 learning paradigm |

|21st century skills in practice |

|Teachers become less central as direct instructors, and more involved in helping students learn autonomously at their own pace ( |

|personalisation) |

|Students would like more freedom and control over learning activities and to be more active and inquiring learners in class. |

|Young people are always connected and make heavy use of digital media, this is posing challenges to teachers and education systems |

|Who is involved in the existing scenarios? What are their roles? |

|Students – as teachers, mentors and facilitators to other students and teachers |

|Teachers – as co-designers of courses with students |

|Why have those involved in the existing scenario decided to change their practice? What is the core purpose of the scenario? |

|To provide an integrated and collaborative set of educational tools and services that glue together the class environment of people, |

|interactions, content, activities and technologies to improve the productivity of learning for students and the productivity of |

|instruction for teachers. |

|This includes...