Business Communication Unit I Assessment Question 11

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Date Submitted: 06/02/2016 08:59 AM

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The statement “never mix business with personal matters, it just leads to damaged relationship, poor business decisions, or both,” may be good and bad advise. It depends on what the situation and what you are trying to gain, whether it is profit or friend.

When it comes to business, mixing business with personal matters can affect your profit in a negative way. A good example of this is the relationship a business has with its supplier. If a new supplier becomes available with better prices, better quality and a faster service at the same price, than the smart choice would be to change suppliers. This change to a better supplier will increase product and profit. However, if the business has been with this particular supplier for many years, personal feeling can become involved and make the decision a little bit more difficult. In the end, if you want your business to succeed sometimes you have to put personal matters aside.

The advice could also be considered not very good advice. Personal matters can be positive and can help a situation or decision. As we all know, sometimes bad things happen and people have a rough time dealing with them. At work when an individual is going through a tough time, it helps to know that you can talk to someone. Helping someone through a rough patch in their life with your own experiences and one’s personal tough times. It helps to bring personal matters into the workplace when it can help someone else get through their problems. This sharing and helping in the workplace can bring co-workers closer together.

When mixing personal and business can work to help a business or it can be a huge distractions. Knowing when to mix them can become a blurry line.