Rhetorical Essay

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Date Submitted: 09/22/2016 09:41 PM

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Rhetorical analysis of Steph Applewhite’s “How Old are you? We’ll Keep in Touch.”

Ageism the New Racism

American citizens of the age 65 and older are working or looking for employment, but ageism is stopping them from finding a good, steady job. Doesn't this make you think, one day you're going to be that old and are you going to be needing a job? Are you going to be able to find a job when you're that age? Ashton Applewhite wrote an article, “You’re How Old? We’ll Be in Touch”, published on September 3, 2016 in The New York Times. Applewhite is right that ageism needs to be confronted and fixed as soon as possible, but i do not agree that she states that older citizens are the future.

Ageism needs to be dealt with, because older citizens of America need to make a living in todays economy to have a financially stable living. Applewhite writes about how she meet a 51-year-old Uber driver who was defiantly qualified for the job he was interviewing for. Even though he felt very confident with the interview, he overheard the employees on his way out saying, “Yeah he's perfect, but he’s to old.” It’s completely unfair that this older man didn't even get a chance when the employees found out his age. He was perfect for the job, so he should of derived a chance to show what he can bring to the job and have a fair fight. The second they saw how old he was, he wasn't getting the job and there is no equality in this at all. “Résumés go unread, as Christina Economos, a science educator with more than 40 years of experience developing curriculum, has learned.” Economies expresses how she has experience, skill, and good work ethic, and it’s all dismissed just because of her age. This lady could of been a major benefit for the job she was applying for, but she wasn't even given a chance to show what she can “bring to the table”. Everyone should be looked at evenly, no matter if to old, young, or even race.

This conflict with age in the workplace is even...