Web Expressions

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Web Expressions

Lab Exercise 2

3 Points


Name: Kenny Weisse

PSU email Address: kfweisse@mail.plymouth.edu

Web URL for this lab: http://oz.plymouth.edu/~kfweisse/index.html/

A Simple Web Page: (oz.plymouth.edu/~your-myPlymouth-ID)

1. Ensure that “home” is your current working directory.

2. Using a text editor, create a file called index.html. You may use Word as your editor

but you MUST save the file as a text file not DOC or DOCX.

3. Cut and paste the following as the initial content of index.html

This is the Title

4. Using HTML tags , , , , and

Create content in this file that contains your biographical information

1. Class name and section

2. User name

3. Full name

4. email address

5. Change the title tag value to include your name, class section and “LAB2”

5. Add information about an upcoming event at Plymouth State

1. Add an image about the event

2. Add body copy and a link to the event.

Your web page must include at least use of each of the following tags:

, , , , and

Consult with students sitting on either side of you (or the two closest) and create a link to their

web page on your page. Include in your referral a brief description of what the page contains. Use web help

sites to figure out how to open that link in a separate window. That is, after clicking on the link, the viewer

should have two browser windows open—one displaying your page and the second displaying the page

the viewer is directed to.

Include as text on your page the help reference site you used and what tag or tag attributes you use to accomplish this task.

Save the file as index.html in the home folder

When complete, save this file as lab2.doc and email it to kjsperl@plymouth.edu as an attachment.

IT MUST BE EMAILED TO THIS ADDRESS! If it is not, then no credit is received for this lab!

Include as the subject line (replacing XX with your...