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Group D: The Leaders

Annotated Bibliography

Toor, S., & Ofori, G. (2009). Ethical Leadership: Examining the Relationships with Full Range Leadership Model, Employee Outcomes, and Organizational Culture. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(4), 533-547.

Source Credibility:

Toor S. R. and Ofori G. are both professionals in Australia and Singapore universities and they have published many other articles dealing with the subject of leadership and management. Ofori has published over 50 articles since 1984 in many specialty journals.They have both provided their e-mail addresses which end in .edu, a sign of a trusted site.


The article reports an empirical investigation of ethical leadership in Singapore’s construction industry. The study associates ethical leadership with transformational leadership, transformational culture of organization, with leader effectiveness, employees’ satisfaction with the leader and the job and their willingness to put extra effort in their work. The article is organized in 4 main sections; first, a review of the literature on ethical leadership is presented, followed by the development of a hypothesis. Second, the research material discusses the participants, procedures and measures; third, it is an analysis of the field study data is presented and a discussion of the results and finally the study discusses practical and research implications of “ethical ledership”

Diana Muntean

Lourdes Rojas - Annotated Bibliography

Source credibility

Irvine & Kouzes & Posner are both professionals who briefly describe ways how leadership/shared leadership have helped and at the same time have a down fall. These both sources are from a well trusted website/source like they have both provided their e-mail addresses which end in .edu and .org, a sign of a trusted site.

Education;Summer2008,Vol.128 Issue 4, p630-644. 15p, 2 charts faculty perceptions of shared decision making and the principals leadership behaviors in...