Cid Plan

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Date Submitted: 03/20/2012 11:35 AM

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Central Industrial District; Kansas City, Missouri

The purpose of the Central Industrial District (CID) plan was to create an Economic Development Plan for the portion of the CID located in Kansas City, MO. The CID is located in both Kansas City, MO and Kansas City, KS with two-thirds of CID located in MO and the remaining one-third located in KS. The plan was prepared for the City Development Department of Kansas City, MO. However existing Kansas City, KS plans were taken into account throughout the development of this plan.

The purpose of the Economic Development Plan was an analysis of how to create future businesses in the CID and how to retain current businesses. The approach to the analysis was broken down into categories including, existing conditions, marketability, economic development and redevelopment. Each of these areas of analysis had subcategories that were broken down and more extensively analyzed.

After analysis two phase-one proposed project areas where delineated. These areas where separated by the proposed east-west I-670 with the first phase taking place to the south of I-670 and the second phase to the north. The redevelopment however worked in reverse starting from the Missouri River front and working southward in a total of 14 phases. Both the phase-one proposed project area and the redevelopment tackled issues regarding the economic growth of the area more specifically of the Missouri CID area. The answers to these economic problems where then out-lined and proposed in the Central Industrial District Plan for Kansas City Missouri.