Preparation for Future Ap Exams - English Lit.

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Category: English Composition

Date Submitted: 12/13/2012 12:25 PM

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Izabella Zamiatala


AP English 4.3

20 November 2012

Preparing for Future Exams

Doing this mock English Literature and Composition test showed me areas where I need to practice. After our class went over the test and thoroughly analyzed it, I noticed that it wasn’t that difficult, I just had to carefully read it, even those little words can mean something big. Careful reading and talking to the text will definitely help me in future mock multiple choice exams. Because this is a timed test, it is important that I pace myself. After I reread the questions that I have missed, I analyzed that I rushed myself and didn’t even read the excerpt vigilantly. I know I don’t have tie on the real exam to do a deep analyzing of the text, but underlining or circling vital words might be helpful. By doing this, it can be the key of figuring out the questions my quicker. I believe that I still would need to practice the literature grammar, there were several questions in which I had to know what vocabulary term were used in a certain sentence. I should practice questions that have quotes in the questions and that tells you to find the quote (line) to what it refers to. The passages in the test weren’t that hard to understand, I just had to go little in depth to find the meaning and find the moral of the excerpt. I think if I do more practice tests online or borrow an AP prepare guide for English this will help me get familiarized with the questions I might expect next year in May. Becoming more and more familiar with the literary canon, knowing in my mind the basic plot and theme of the passage might be very helpful. I’ve noticed there were several questions with comparing and contrasting lines in a passage, because it encourages analytical thinking. It is important I can also identify the questions that are easy, medium, and hard on practice exams. The questions are all worth the same, the level of difficulty doesn’t matter. Skipping to the next questions on the...