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Words: 254

Pages: 2

Category: Science and Technology

Date Submitted: 01/13/2013 11:45 AM

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1) Given the conditions, what should Henry do to try and save Mark?

2) What caused Mark’s weakness, nausea, disorientation, and headache, and low blood pressure?

3) Why is he not sweating?

4) Why didn’t the Paramedic give distilled water rather than an electrolyte/glucose solution?

5) Why did Mark become disorientated?

6) How would you test your ideas to see if you are right?

7) What does your group think based on the information in the text?

8) What should Mark be concerned with regarding these moles?

9) What tests might Dr. Culp conduct after removing the moles?

10) Define the terms in the case study highlighted in Boldface:

Heat Stroke:

First Degree Burns:




11) Assuming that Mark lost about 4 liters of water, what percentage of his body water did he lose? Would you expect his urinary volume to decrease or increase during his trek?

12) Why was blood pressure so low?

13) Would his pulse rate decease or increase ?

14) Why was Mark dizzy and disorientated?

15) Would it have been a good idea for Mark to bring the beer alone in case he got thirsty?

16) What vitamin would Mark have in greater amounts in his body after that day?

17) What did Mark do that increased his chance of burns?

18) Why did Mark’s skin have looked red within the first few hours of his adventure rather than redness developing hours and days later as a result of “Sunburn”