Literature Piece

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Category: Literature

Date Submitted: 02/09/2013 03:37 AM

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Dear Lady Macbeth,

I’m not quite sure how to put this into words .I’m thoughtless on how to say this in words even though I prefer saying this in person. I just met three witches on the open field .They looked like three nasty looking dustbin bags and the breezing air was nothing but grey clouds while the tip of my fingers froze like icicles. More excitingly while I was with Banquo, they predicted that I was to be king, ‘thane of Cawdor’ they said. I didn’t believe what I was hearing at first however, they got into detail. They said that I would have all the power in my very own hands and Banquo’s sons will be next in the throne so we both had something to be hopeful about. After the battle, which I won, I felt proud and full of victory because of what I had just achieved but now I’m starting to doubt myself. In my mind I was thinking ‘I’m going to gain power, I feel powerful but also terrible not knowing the consequences to this fantastic prediction’. Those predictions gave me hope and faith of not being 2nd best to everyone all my life and to once feel the power in my very own hands. I feel amazed and fantastically shocked, however I shall remain gracious to the one who has praised and graced me, my very own king Duncan. Should I let greed take over me from being grateful and have everything I’ve wanted, or just let those predictions fall to crumbles as I remain the person I am today? My dear Lady Macbeth, please let me be aware of your thoughts…

By Blerina Emini 9D English ILP task B