Ethical Dilemma

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Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 04/04/2013 08:27 PM

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alejandra valles


Ethical Dilemma

1. This case has many factors of sexual harassment, and is very complicated. Leslie is somewhat correct in that it was common knowledge that Jackie and Curtis were intimate. It was because Jackie crossed the line, and did not report the relationship. Consequently Jackie’s sexual harassment suit becomes unstable. Her legal suit would have carried more weight if she had gone through the proper channels to report the misconduct when it occurred.

2. The probable cost to Jackie if she reports the sexual harassment case is a long legal struggle and possible loss of her job. She should probably be aware that if she pursues legal case that this will follow her throughout her career. This could negatively influence future employers or could show them that she has a moral character.

3. Yes. He has displayed intimidating behavior, sexual harassment, and is very manipulative of women in the workforce. Whenever Jackie asked him to stop, and he continues his behavior, this becomes harassment.

4. Certainly Curtis has damaged Jackie’s performance level; by definition of a hostile work environment he has created it. There are guidelines that show the harassment was severe, pervasive, and reasonably offensive. For example Curtis made frequent sexual remarks towards Jackie, he constantly inquires about Jackie’s sex life history with him, and he also pestered Jackie to have a sexual encounter with him.

Resolving Ethical Business Challenges

1. Joseph’s ethical issues in this situation include honesty, integrity, fairness, intimidating behavior, and bribes. Kickbacks are unethical because it leads to lower quality of product and increases customers’ prices. Joseph also find out that Carl takes money out of his commission for kickbacks. I believe giving and receiving kickback are serious crimes. A kickback is effectively a bribe, a dishonest agreement, designed to help or influence an individual, company, or...