Dragon Age 2 Fanfic

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Date Submitted: 06/28/2013 05:13 PM

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Dragon age 2 characters:


Malcolm- Father- Mage (Apostate)- deceased

Leandra- Mother- Civilian

Kenneth- Eldest- Warrior (Two-handed)

Calvin- 2nd Eldest- Mage (Apostate-healer)

Kiren- Youngest- Rogue (Dual weapon)

Russo- Mabari Dog


Aveline Vallen- (married-Wesley) Warrior (Shield & Sword)

Varric Tethras- Rogue (Archer)

Sebastian Vael- Lay brother (Prince of Starkhaven) - Rogue (Archer)

Anders- Former Grey warden- Mage (Apostate-Healer)

Merril- Dalish Pariah- Mage (Blood mage)

Fenris- Tevinter Fugitive- Warrior (Two-handed)

Isabela- Former Pirate Captain- Rogue (Dual weapon)


Wesley- (married) Templar- deceased

Gamlen Amell- civilian

Charade-cousin to the children of Malcolm and daughter of Gamlen

Meridith Sanard- Templar: Knight-captain

Orsino- First enchanter in the Circle of Magi in Kirkwall

Cullen- Templar: Knight-commander

Thrask- Templar

Donnic Hendyr- City Guard

Map locations:

HightownBlooming Rose

Chantry Vicount's keep

Amell MansionSundermount

LowtownWounded coast

HangmanBone pit

Gamlen's houseFenris' Mansion

Merril's houseDeep roads

DocksQunari Compound

Darktown*Chateau Haine

Ander's clinicHarimann's estate




Sareebas Taarbas*Basvaraad-Hawke



Prologue: Fleeing-Introducing Kirkwall

had to leave home, Lothering. It was being over run by Darkspawn and we didn't have any choice. Ever since our father died, Life was even harder. We finally had time for a breather and Brother Calvin had to just open his mouth “Damn those Darkspawns, why were we so late from running?” He complained as he both looked at us. “ What are you looking at us for? We've been running since Ostagar” My Brother Kenneth retorted back but before Brother Calvin could say anything back “ Uhm... not to interrupt but the Darkspawn isn't going to wait for us to catch our breath again before killing us” I said in almost a panic and irritation but nonetheless kept a worried smile on to express my dilemma....