Memorable Childhood Event

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Category: Societal Issues

Date Submitted: 07/30/2013 12:19 PM

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As a growing child, finding a passion was really easy. Starting at 6 years old, learning about cars and motorcycles aways made me so interested. My dad always taught me all of that stuff, from car engine to suspension and electrical. I still remember all of that stuff that he taught me. From that time, i decided to learn more and more about automotive cultures. I still remember my dad bringing me car and motorcycle magazines when i was a kid, so that i could read and learn everything i could about automobiles. Learning about cars became like a habit for me. everyday before i went to bed, i would always open up my computer and search about cars. I would read all of the arcticles, whether it was about modifications or how to fix different parts.At the begining of highschool, owning a car was one of my dreams. i said to myself, "i have to buy my own car with my own money!" I started saving money, working in a different places, and doing all of the jobs that i could became a requirement. A few of the jobs that I remember were photography and car mechanics. Usually on weekends, my friends would sometimes text me or call me to fix their cars. Many of my friends trusted me to fix their cars, so I could get more money.After working and saving for a few months, i decided to get my first car. it took me a while to choose what car i wanted to buy. After doing a lot of research, i finally decided what car i wanted to buy. it was a corolla dx 1982. it was really hard to find one that i wanted. Color and condition was the only thing that i thought about. Then suddenly i said to myself, "why don't you buy a dead car and rebuild it?" it sounded crazy, but i made my decision, i wanted to build my first own car. After a few weeks i finally found it. I paid $300. it was really cheap, red and had a straight body, but the engine was not running and the paint was starting to fade. There were a lot of things that needed to be fixed.

After I took it home, I began the project of...