Fight for Freedom

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Category: Other Topics

Date Submitted: 08/27/2013 01:57 AM

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To live in a secure nation, Americans cannot afford to sacrifice basic freedoms guaranteed in the bill of rights. Our most fundamental rights, to Free Speech, Privacy, and the Right to Bear Arms are under attack.

Freedom of speech

A person can be fired for expressing political views online, even when you’re not at work. As employment lawyer Mark Trapp told Bloomberg Business Week, the “freedom to speak your mind doesn’t really exist in work spaces.” Or, in some cases, outside it.


If you have a job, the freedom train stops at the workplace door. More employees are hired on a part-time or temporary basis to deny those rights and benefits. Many of your privacy rights are gone. Your employer can use your company computer to read your correspondence, and your company cell phone (if you have one) to track your movements. Digital corporations are assaulting our privacy, while banks trap us in indebtedness that approaches a never ending servitude. The shrunken ranks of working Americans are being robbed of their essential liberties to personal privacy at home or while on the go with what are being called "upgrades in technology".

Right to Bear Arms

The power is with the people. It's in history; almost every country that has had a mass genocide, a killing of the people and a total takeover of the government, had banned firearms and disarmed the people, or never gave them the ability to protect themselves in the first place. Never mind the 2nd Amendment, within the Bill of Rights. Our founding fathers gave us the right and duty to keep the government from getting abusive in the Declaration of Independence itself: "...Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed--That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...". So we can debate the 2nd Amendment...