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Words: 6816

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Category: Business and Industry

Date Submitted: 04/30/2016 03:59 PM

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1. Most important bill and set of policies: state budget

2. state and local policies can: have an impact on economic growth

3. postindustrial: large growing service sector economic interdependence rapid change and innovation advanced technology

4. California's economy is constantly: changing

5. Multi tired work force: upper tier: education, medicine, communications, law, finance, real estate, transportation and government fields.

6. Initiatives: power to adopt own legislation progressive ear people and groups can leg. By placing proposed statues and constitutional amendments on the ballot 8% of total votes cast on previous gov. to go through only a simple majority votes cast is required.

7. Referenda: approve or disapprove laws already passed by state leg.

8. Recall: remove elected officials between elections both state and local levels including judges 20% of votes cast in last election needed.

9. The big four: Leland Stanford, collis Huntington- lobbyist, Charles crocker, mark Hopkins, “ railroad monopoly” 85 of railroads.

10. Prop140: when term limits came into place

11. Terms limits because: power struggle between the 3 branches

12. Prop 13: reduce property taxes

13. California highways: per capital spending on highways has declined considerably.

14. California higher education: recent spending on education has lagged the state’s growth.

15. Traditionalistic: ruled by a small elite group maintain established social and economic order rather than provide wide access to the political system.

16. Moralistic: for common betterment of all its members widespread participation is valued and expected.

17. Individualistic: for the goals, aspirations and initiative of private groups or people.

18. Constitution: general vision/ establish rights, political structures, limit power of those claiming it contract between governed and government.

19. Laissez-faire capitalism example: the big four
